
Widget Breakdown

Don't waste time sorting and filtering thousands of shipments to find loads that may cause network disruptions. MacroPoint did the work for you. Learn what each widget means and how to take action. 

Load Search

Find a load instantly with one click.

Simply input your load ID in the bar across the top. Regardless if your load is actively tracking, completed last month, or scheduled for next week, find it instantly.

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Quick Filtering

Shipments at risk, instantly identified

MacroPoint's Dashboard quickly summarizes and categorize your active shipments into actionable buckets. All numerical values are quick filters instantly launching a pre-filtered view on the Control Tower of the shipments in the category.

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My Active Road Shipments

Identify current milestones all of your truckload, LTL, & parcel shipments. 

  • Active Shipments - All loads currently tracking, scheduled for future, or stuck unable to track due to bad data or compliance issues.
  • Awaiting Pickup - Shipments with pickup dates today or in the past and the pickup event has not been captured.
  • In Transit - Shipments where pickup has been captured
  • Recently Delivery - Loads with a delivery captured within last 12 hours


All shipments tracking, categorized by ETAs to their next stop.

  • Behind - Shipments trending behind schedule but can still potentially be on-time 
  • Can't Make It - Appointment time for stop is in the past or driver's location is physically impossible to make up time to be on-time.
  • Off Line - Loads were tracking but data feed was interrupted for various reasons. Learn more about troubleshooting based on statuses HERE
  • On Time - Loads tracking to be on time for delivery time 

Awaiting Truck Departure

Proactively see which loads may be at risk for detention currently at a stop

  • At Pickup - Drivers who have arrived for pickup but are not yet loaded.
  • At DropOff - Drivers who have arrived at dropoff but not yet unloaded


All loads not tracking, categorized by actionable reasons to proactively fix

  • Invalid ID - Untrackable phone, truck, or trailer ID on the shipment. Learn more about editing these ID's HERE
  • Awaiting Install - Drivers who have not downloaded the MacroPoint for Trucks app
  • Not Responding - Tracking ID is correct but no data being received. Learn more about troubleshooting based on status HERE
  • Awaiting Assignment - Shipments missing tracking ID (phone, truck, trailer, load ID, or PRO)

My Active Ocean Shipments

Identify current milestones all of your ocean shipments. 

  • Active Shipments - All loads currently tracking, scheduled for future, or stuck unable to track due to bad data or compliance issues.
  • Empty Out - All shipments with the Empty Out milestone captured, but container has not returned loaded to the port of loading.
  • At POL - Shipment currently at the port of loading, but vessel has not yet departed.
  • On The Water - Shipments currently in transit not yet to port of discharge
  • At POD - Shipment at the port of discharge but Empty Return milestone not yet received. 

My Active Air Shipments

Identify current milestones all of your air shipments. 

  • Active Shipments - All loads currently tracking, scheduled for future, or stuck unable to track due to bad data or compliance issues.
  • Invalid Air Waybill - Air Waybill supplied is not trackable. Learn how to update HERE
  • No Status Information - Air Waybill is valid, no tracking data available yet from airline.
  • Departed Origin - Flight has left origin airport
  • Arrived at Destination - Flight has arrived at destination airport.