Getting Started

Email Notifications

Wait, you're telling us don't want to log into a sleek, intuitive, robust Control Tower to monitor all of your shipments and you just LOVE emails? Ok cool, this page is for you! MacroPoint offers dozens of different email notifications. Learn more below.

Account & Load Level
Location Notification

Email sent for every new location received on the tracking session. Ping frequency set up for every 15 minutes? You better believe you're getting 4 emails an hour on each load, buckle up 🤘

Account & Load Level
Trip Event

Email sent for any arrival and/or departure captured on a shipment including address and event time captured. Whether via geofence, driver reported, or carrier reported. 

Account & Load Level
Off-Schedule Alert

Email sent when a shipment falls into a 'Behind' or 'Can't Make It' status. Every update captured where driver is running late will trigger a new email. Duplicate alert suppression is available. 

Account & Load Level
Tracking - Waiting For Update

Email sent when a shipment falls into an 'Offline' or 'Tracking - Waiting For Update' status. Learn more about this status here: Tracking Statuses

Account & Load Level
No Update Past Pickup Time

Email sent if MacroPoint has not received an update from the carrier and the pickup appointment has passed.

Account Level
Integration Exception

Automated email when MacroPoint receives an error response attempting to return data to a customer's endpoints. 

Account & Load Level
Form & POD Submissions

Email sent when a carrier and/or driver sends required form information and/or POD images.

Account Level
Duration Alert

Alert when a delivery is not captured within the tracking duration set on the tracking session.

Account & Load Level
Order Messaging

Email sent when driver submits a new message via the MacroPoint for Truckers mobile app.

Account Level
New Carrier Partners Added

Daily email of all new carriers activated for telematics tracking from both self-service and wishlist workflows.

Account & Load Level
Enhanced Shipment Status

Email sent when any new enhance shipment status is received on a load. Typically for LTL, ocean, air, and rail tracking.

Account & Load Level
Load Start Follow Along

A one-time email sent when a load starts tracking providing basic shipment details and a link to the load to view updates.

Account & Load Level
Cold Chain Threshold Alert

Email alert when a temperature received on a cold chain shipment is out of the minimum or maximum temperature range set on the load. 

Account & Load Level
Stopped Truck Alert

Email sent when consecutive in-transit updates are captured in the location. Number of consecutive locations is configurable before alert is triggered.