Self-Service Activations

Launch Kit

Welcome to the not-so-secret club where customers level up their tracking success on an average of 10-20% simply by scaling integrated tracking. Learn how to build your launch kit in 3 simple steps 🚀

Step 1: Upload Carrier Wishlist

Keep your carrier network in sync with MacroPoint

Carriers onboard their ELDs into the MacroPoint network, not just for individual customers. This means if a carrier is already integrated or integrates in the future, you can instantly take advantage of ELD / Telematics tracking with them if they're on your wishlist. No opting in or set up required.

 To upload, first download the template here: Carrier Wishlist Documentation

It's recommended to automate uploading the wishlist daily as new carriers are continuously added into your network. If automation is not an option, you can also email new wishlists to and our team can assist.

Step 2: Find Your Link & Customize Branding

This is your page, make it feel that way.

Finding your link is simple. 

1. Navigate to the MacroPoint dashboard MacroPoint Visibility

2. In the Carrier Management widget, search and DOT number. 

3. If carrier is not connected,  BOOM - there's your link.

To customize the colors and logo of the page, simply fill out the form HERE and we'll get it done ASAP.

Step 3: Distribute Link to Carriers

It's go time! Send your link to any & all carriers.

Customers with the best results talk to their carriers about the importance of tracking with their carrier prior to sending the link. Communicating value to carriers is key - reduce/eliminate check calls, no new apps and notifications for drivers, & provide high-quality data to you and your customers. 

MacroPoint has pre built integrations with MyCarrierPackets, RMIS/Truckstop, & Highway. Talk with your representative at any of these companies about turning on the MacroPoint ELD onboarding link so new carriers added to your network also connect with MacroPoint simultaneously!