User Experience

Control Tower

Your operations, visibly improved. No more disjointed processes across multiple platforms and data sources. All of your active tracking data and communications is aggregated into the same easy-to-use view.

Understand & Customize Load Grid

The load grid displays all active tracking sessions and future scheduled to start today or tomorrow. Unassigned tracking requests scheduled to start tracking yesterday, today, or tomorrow (missing driver identifier) are also displayed. The grid includes basic shipment details like customer load ID, MacroPoint's tracking status, the carrier name, and customer provided stop information.

Basic View

Expand & Collapse Grid

Users can expand/collapse the grid covering the map by grabbing the center two lines and dragging up or down.

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Load Searching

Users can search for specific shipments by entering a load ID in the 'Search by Load ID' box in the top left. The grid will automatically filter to the specific shipment and the map will display only that shipment with its respective color coding. 

Customizing Grid

Users can pick from dozens of available columns to customize their grid view. These views are on a user level so each person at your company has control over their own views.

Simply click the setting gear in the top right of the grid.


Next select which columns from the Available Columns table you want added and which you want removed from Columns to Display. Columns to Display are the columns in your view and in the order they're displayed. Drag and drop to reorder columns.

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