Self-Service Activations

MacroPoint Connection Hub

Manage, report and track progress and status from the carrier activation process. Just stop it with the excel files, no one wants 10,000 rows of nonsense. Let's take efficiency to the next level.

MacroPoint Connection Hub

Finally, a real-time collaborative dashboard you can love ❤️

Keep your carriers and notes organized. See which carriers are live, which carriers are in process, and any refusals. Clearly labeled statuses of what is next to finalize setup and who the responsible party is owning the task.

If you do not have a MacroPoint Connection Hub set up today and want one, click HERE to request access

Click on any of the carriers to see notes and communicate directly with the MacroPoint representative working on the specific set up.


Click the Activations Stats tab to see clean analytics of your activations progress with MacroPoint including connection breakdown, cumulative onboardings over time, and more.