Self-Service Activations

Carrier Experience

Manage, report and track progress and status from the carrier activation process. Just stop it with the excel files, no one wants 10,000 rows of nonsense. Let's take efficiency to the next level.

Simple, Clear, & Automated.

Self-guided platform for carriers to connect their ELDs instantly

Carrier inputs their email address, DOT number, phone number, and what region they haul around the globe. The Customer MacroPoint ID field pre populated with your information and cannot be changed. MacroPoint validates the DOT number against the FMSCA database to confirm legitimacy.  

Carrier selects their ELD/Telematics provider from a list of 300+ integrated partners and simple instructions display based on provider selected. Many providers have a 1 or 2 click automated set up, others require a couple data points for the carrier to input.

Once the carrier clicks 'Authenticate', MacroPoint tests the connection. Based on the test three outcomes are possible: 

Success – Ready to track instantly if carrier on wishlist

Partial Success – Carrier successfully connects but not on your wishlist, MacroPoint automatically receives a notification and our team engages you to obtain carrier ID ASAP. This is also noted in the MacroPoint Connection Hub.

Failures – Automatically routed to MacroPoint Activations team to support for our team to work with carrier. No support tickets or phone calls required by the carrier. We see their issues and proactively reach out to assist.

If successful, carrier receives the following prompt and given the option to receive log in credentials to MacroPoint to monitor tracking data.